Bill on foreign-sourced income exemption regime gazetted

The Government published legislative bill on the proposed refined foreign source income exemption regime (FSIE regime) on 28 October 2022. The Inland Revenue Department also has updated the administrative guidance on November 11, 2022.  Subject to the passage of the Bill by the Legislative Council, the proposed refined FSIE regime will take effect from 1 January 2023.

Covered taxpayers

  • members of multinational enterprise groups (MNE entity) carrying on a trade, profession or business in Hong Kong irrespective of the revenue or asset size.
  • an multinational enterprise group (MNE group) means a group that includes at least one entity or permanent establishment that is not located or established in the jurisdiction of the ultimate parent entity whereas an MNE entity effectively means an entity whose financial results included in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate parent entity of the collection.
  • associates and joint venture entities within an MNE group, standalone local companies and purely domestic groups without any offshore operations would not be affected.

Covered income

Specified foreign-sourced income covered by the FSIE regime includes:

  • interest
  • dividends
  • disposal gains from the sale of equity interests in an entity (disposal gains)
  • intellectual property (IP) income


  • interest, dividend or disposal gains (i.e. foreign sourced non-IP income) derived by regulated financial entities (e.g. banks, insurance companies and SFC licensed entities) will be excluded.
  • foreign sourced non-IP income derived from or incidental to the carrying out of profit producing activities of the taxpayers as required under the respective preferential tax regimes will fall outside the scope of “specified foreign-sourced income”

Meaning of “received in Hong Kong”

A specified foreign-sourced income is deemed as received in Hong Kong when:

  • the income is remitted to, or is transmitted or brought into, Hong Kong;
  • the income is used to satisfy any debt incurred in respect of a trade, profession or business carried on in Hong Kong; or
  • the income is used to buy movable property, and the property is brought into Hong Kong. The income is regarded as being received at the time when the moveable property is brought into Hong Kong.


Specified foreign-sourced income received in Hong Kong will not be chargeable if the MNE entity meets the exception requirements specifically for the particular types of incomes as follows:


Specified foreign-sourced income



Disposal gains

IP income

Economic substance requirement


Participation requirement



Nexus requirement





Exception 1 : Economic substance requirement – for interest, dividend and disposal gains


Pure equity-holding entity

Non-pure equity-holding entity


An MNE entity which only:

· holds equity interests in other entities; and

· earns dividends, disposal gains; and income incidental to the acquisition, holding or sale of such equity interests

An MNE entity that is not a pure equity-holding entity

Economic substance requirement

· satisfy every applicable registration and filing requirements under the laws in Hong Kong; and

· have adequate human resources and premises for carrying out the specified economic activities in Hong Kong

· employ adequate number of employees with necessary qualifications to carry out the specified economic activities in Hong Kong; and

· incur adequate amount of operating expenditure for carrying out the specified economic activities in Hong Kong

Specified economic activities*

Holding and managing its equity participations in other entities


Making necessary strategic decisions in respect of any assets the entity acquires, holds or disposes of; and managing and bearing principal risks in respect of such assets


An MNE entity is allowed to outsource some or all of its specified economic activities provided that it is able to demonstrate adequate monitoring of the outsourced activities and that the outsourced activities are conducted in Hong Kong subject to certain requirements.


Exception 2 :Participation requirement – for dividend and disposal gains

It provides an alternative to the economic substance requirement to facilitate an MNE entity which receives foreign-sourced dividend or disposal gain in Hong Kong to claim tax exemption.

Conditions apply 

  • the MNE entity is a Hong Kong resident person, or where it is a non-Hong Kong resident person, it has a permanent establishment in Hong Kong to which the foreign-sourced dividend or disposal gain is attributable; and
  • the MNE entity has continuously held not less than 5% of equity interests in the investee entity concerned for a period of not less than 12 months immediately before the foreign-sourced dividend or disposal gain accrues.

Anti-abuse rules

Following anti-abuse rules are in place to disallow the participation exemption:

Switch-over rule
 (Subject to tax condition)
  • For disposal gains, participation exemption will apply only if the disposal gains are subject to tax in a foreign jurisdiction at an applicable tax rate equal to or higher than 15%.

  • For dividends:

(a)  investee’s underlying profits and/or underlying dividends are subject to tax in a foreign jurisdiction at an applicable tax rate equal to or higher than 15%, with a ‘look-through’ approach for investee’s profits (in the case of dividends) where foreign tax paid on dividends and underlying profits by a chain of a maximum of five tiers of investee entities (including the immediate investee) will also be taken into account; and

(b)  the aggregate amount of underlying profits out of which the dividends are paid and subject to tax at 15% or above must be equal to or larger than the amount of the subject dividends.

Anti-hybrid mismatch rule

For dividend, the participation exemption will not apply to the extent that the dividend is allowable for deduction when computing the amount of tax of the investee entity.

Main purpose rule

Participation exemption will not apply if the Commissioner is of the opinion that main purpose, or one of the main purposes, of entering into an arrangement is to obtain a tax benefit in relation to a liability to pay profits tax.


Exception 3 : Nexus requirement – for IP income

The tax exemption under the nexus requirement is only applicable to qualifying IP income, which means income derived from the use of, or a right to use, “qualifying intellectual property” (i.e. patent or copyright subsisting in software), but not other IP assets such as marketing-related IP assets (e.g. trademarks and copyrights).

For the purpose of computing the R&D fraction (nexus ratio), an uplift of maximum of 30% of the qualifying R&D expenditure (QE) is allowed if non-qualifying expenditure (NE) has also been incurred, but the amount after the uplift (i.e. the numerator) is capped at the total amount of qualifying R&D expenditure and non-qualifying expenditure incurred (i.e. the denominator). 

R&D expenditures (including capital expenditure) are classified as follows:

R&D expenditures



For an R&D activity carried out


· by the MNE entity


· by a non-associated person


· by an associated person that is a HK resident person


          – in Hong Kong


          – outside Hong Kong


·  by an associated person that is a non-HK resident person



QE does not include interest payments; payments for any land or buildings, or for any alteration, addition or extension to any building and acquisition of intellectual property.

NE does not include interest payments and payments for any land or buildings, or for any alteration, addition or extension to any building and acquisition of intellectual property.

Only certain portion of the qualifying IP income will be exempt from profits tax.

Double Taxation Relief

Foreign tax paid by a Hong Kong resident person

Any foreign tax paid by a MNE entity who is a Hong Kong resident person on the specified foreign-sourced income that is chargeable to profits tax under the refined FSIE regime will be eligible for tax credit against the profits tax payable on the same income, either as bilateral tax credit under a CDTA or as unilateral tax credit under the refined FSIE regime.

For dividend, tax credits will be allowed in respect of not only the foreign tax paid on the dividend, but also the foreign tax paid on the investee entity’s underlying profits out of which the dividend is paid, provided that the MNE entity has held at least 10% equity interests in the investee entity when the dividend is distributed.

Foreign tax paid by a non-Hong Kong resident person

Where the MNE entity is not a Hong Kong resident person, the foreign tax paid on the specified foreign-sourced income which is chargeable to profits tax in Hong Kong may be allowed as deduction under section 16(1)(ca) of the IRO.

Taxpayers’ obligations

An MNE entity deriving chargeable specified foreign-sourced income must: 

  • notify the Commissioner in writing that it is chargeable to profits tax within 4 months after the end of the basis period of the year of assessment during which the income is received in Hong Kong in case no profits tax return has been issued to it for the year of assessment concerned; and
  • retain records of transactions, acts, or operations relating to the specified foreign-sourced income at least until the later of the expiry of:
          (a) 7 years after the completion of those transactions, acts or operations; or
          (b) 7 years after the income is received, or to be regarded as received, in Hong Kong.

For more information, please contact Ms. Amie Cheung at 


23 Nov 2022