Company Secretarial Services

We provide enterprise-wide needed support services. With our management experts and resources, clients are assured that their corporate secretarial needs are being effectively managed and compliance requirements are met.

What we do

  • Hong Kong company formation
  • China and offshore jurisdiction company formation (the British Virgin Islands, Seychelles, Cayman Islands, Samoa, etc.)
  • Set up foreign enterprises in various overseas countries through our international alliance
  • Act as company secretary and provide a full suite of company secretarial services
  • Provision of registered office address
  • Opening bank account
  • Statutory compliance
  • Arrange notarization and apostille of documents with Notary Public in Hong Kong, China and other countries
  • Advice on appropriate business structure
  • Apply stamp duty relief for intra-group transfer
  • Company deregistration/winding-up including preparation of statement of affairs and tax clearance.